Genius International srl
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The Best ofIntima & Swim Edit

The Best of Intima Awards

Adorable and Heart-Warming: A Celebration of their Nomination

01 June 2020


Busted Ladies Lingerie of Ponoka, Alberta, put their Facebook page to good use and made a very touching video that shows their uttermost excitement for their The Best of Intima Awards nomination.

After a short introduction with two women standing behind her, as well as a bottle of sparkly and coordinated glasses, store owner Sherry Gummow continues: "About two months ago, before this quarantine thing ... I received an email.  And I guess it was sort of just timing. That I didn't ignore it.  It actually was very .. it encouraged me.  But I didn't really do anything about it until now [...] The Best of Intima magazine, and each year they have a group of lingerie companies who come together and they put on an awards banquet or event, actually, it's in NYC and that's to say, over the years we have watched that -- or I have anyway -- and go 'oh that one was nominated' and 'that's cool' [...] so, this year the jury which is the people who do the judging, or have a vote in this, one of the companies has made us a nominee for the Best of Intima 2020 Awards ..."

... and then they raise a banner "Our store has been nominated! For the Best of Intima Awards 2020"

Tag: #BSA202D

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