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Tommy Hilfiger Supports the Global Fight Against the Pandemic

13 May 2020

Tommy Hilfiger announces a donation to frontline healthcare workers and the creation of a limited-edition capsule, the revenues of which will be entirely destined for global efforts against Covid-19.

In April 2020, Tommy Hilfiger announced the donation of over 10,000 classic white T-shirts to support the public health effort in Europe and the United States.

This contribution is aimed to help healthcare professionals engaged in assisting patients with Covid-19: their Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) can generate heat that pushes them to change up to three t-shirts per shift.

This aid is part of the company's commitment to those affected by the global coronavirus pandemic.

To show its solidarity with frontline workers, Tommy Hilfiger will also launch a limited-edition capsule collection of t-shirts and sweatshirts, designed in collaboration with the public.

The brand's fans were able to visit the Instagram pages @TommyHilfiger @TommyJeans and vote for their favorite designs.
The winning proposals will be presented in May and can subsequently be purchased on the Tommy Hilfiger website in selected markets. 100% of the proceeds will go to the global fight against COVID-19.

These initiatives are in addition to the multiple efforts already undertaken by Tommy Hilfiger and parent company PVH Corp in support of the global fight against the pandemic.

Through the PVH Foundation, PVH has donated $2 million to the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund, as well as other funds to support frontline healthcare workers and against food scarcity, they have also supported the sector, the supply chain, and aided in community resilience. These funds will be distributed to different organizations, active worldwide.

As regards healthcare workers, PVH has also donated over two million PPE units including gowns, KN95 masks, three-layer masks, and other face masks to the Montefiore Health System in New York.

The PVH Foundation is also cooperating with Better Work, a long-time partner of PVH and a program born from the collaboration between the International Labor Organization and the International Finance Corporation. The funds will be used to promote initiatives for suppliers and workers during the Covid-19 crisis.

As early as early February, PVH had also earmarked 2 million renminbi (equivalent to 275,000 US dollars) to the Red Cross Society in China.


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