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HanesBrands Faces Breast Cancer with Store Campaign

04 October 2019

More than 200 of the company's stores across the USA and Puerto Rico will take part in the campaign this Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

HanesBrands has selected 8 of its employees whose lives have been affected by breast cancer to star in their new campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the disease. The campaign, which will be rolled out in HanesBrands stores in October, includes pictures of these employees sporting personalised t-shirts, alongside uplifting messages such as 'You Matter' and 'Always Lifting Women Up'.

The t-shirts are emblazoned with the phrase 'I Am A...', which is followed by either Warrior, Survivor, Preventer or Supporter.
These terms describe each person's personal relationship to breast cancer: warriors Mary and Annette are currently battling the disease; survivors Leah and Janice have beaten it; preventers Milagros and Breanna have taken preventative measures due to a family history of breast cancer, and supporters Chris and Garnett have both helped family members with the disease. 

Missy Sage, Vice President of Retail for Hanes Brands, praised the courage of the group participating in the campaign: "It is incredibly brave to stand up for our other employees and our consumers across the country facing breast cancer with the desire to provide support, even if unspoken.”

HanesBrands stores will be providing retail shoppers with an 'I Am A' t-shirt of their choice with any bra purchase while supplies last, and through its brands continues to support other breast cancer research and awareness initiatives.

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