The Best ofIntima & Swim Edit
19 September 2022
Having hit the market with its patented seamless and soothing bras in 2014, thanks to a thorough and highly technical approach Evelyn & Bobbie was quick to cover what it identified as a void in the market. Named after founder Bree McKeen’s grandmother and aunt, two inspiring figures in her life, the range of bras offered are designed for all those women who are out there to accomplish something, but also who are simply having to juggle their everyday load and chores. As Bree says: “We exist to participate in the advancement of our industry and culture. Taking your comfort back is of historical significance. Beauty doesn’t exist without purpose.» The Best of Intima noted the great interest specialty stores expressed in this brand and decided to find out more.
How and when did it all start?
Evelyn & Bobbie started in earnest in 2014
with the filing of my first patent. I created
thousands of prototypes: everything from
jigsaw cut plastic, to 3-D printed netting,
and countless versions in between. You can’t
imagine how many different things I tried. I
started from a place of forgetting everything
that was already “known” about bra design;
to start from scratch, redefine the problems, to
come up with new solutions. My aunt Bobbie,
who I named my company after together with
my grandmother, used to always say, “If what
you’re doing isn’t working, try something
new. Not a different version of the same
thing, something truly new.” That’s what
we did here, and it worked! I used that first
patent to raise the money I needed to develop
the truly advanced technical product that you
can shop today.
What was the initial driving force behind the
As a naturally curvy woman, I had a 34 DD by
the time I was 16. I felt like the weight of my
breasts was a constant load on my shoulders:
literally and figuratively. It affected my
posture, my daily mindset, and I spent far too
much time thinking about my bra discomfort.
So, even though I had a very promising future
in Finance, I left my job to do something
about it. I couldn’t believe that the underwire
had been used for 85 years at that point, and
now more than 90 years. How, in a world that
is full of constant innovation, had women
been under the pinching and poking of such
an outdated technology for so long? I had
to do something about it. I had watched my
mother, my aunts and grandmother, and so
many women around me suffer in the same
way. I knew that something could — and must
— be done. If the right people grab a problem
by the horns, there are more solutions than
problems. I didn’t want my daughter and
nieces to grow up with the same lousy options.
Can you tell us about the range of items
Evelyn&Bobbie offer?
Evelyn & Bobbie offers four bra support
products. Three bras and one smoothing
cami. We offer bras that fit from a C cup up
to a K cup. But it’s worth noting that we have
heard from customers, some with M cups, that
our bras fit them too. So, we are very inclusive
for the curvy woman. Additionally, we offer
three styles of the most comfortable four-way
stretch underwear that comes in just two sizes fitting size 0-14 and 16-24. You’ll also notice
that we are growing our product assortment
very slowly and with great intention. The
world does not need any more mediocre
products. We test each bra on literally
hundreds of women. You will not find another
bra company that has such meticulous design
practices. I truly believe that we are the leader
in the world for data driven design at this
Would you say diversity and inclusivity have
been founding elements of your brand from the
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, inclusivity has
been a core tenet of our founding philosophy.
In 2014 when I founded the company, the
middle part of the bell curve was shockingly
being ignored! So, initially we set out to
serve the part of the bell curve that actually
made up the bulk of the population. We are
so proud to serve the most common breast
and body sizes in the United States, Europe,
and Canada. But the job of inclusivity is
never done. We still have further to go, and
we remain committed to growing inclusivity
overtime. Keep an eye on us for that. We have
exciting things in the works.
You put a lot of research into your designs.
Can you tell us about the patented technology
behind them?
Our patented technology is profound in
its simplicity. It’s called the EB Core. It is a
three-dimensional molded sling made out of
the most advanced four-way stretch fabrics
and bonding technology available in the
world today. We took the kinds of technology
that are typically used in advanced athletic
gear and applied it to an everyday bra that
truly feels and fits like a second skin. One
of the things we are constantly messaging
to consumers is that you must wear the bra
for two or three days before you really get
the true “custom fit” experience. The EB bra
will literally mold to your unique shape and
curves as it warms up with your body heat.
What is the True Complexion Palette?
We launched our first bra with inclusive
nudes, right from the outset. We’re so glad that
we could have been one of the pioneers that
made inclusive nudes a standard practice.
As with everything we do we took a scientific
approach instead. We scanned hundreds of
real women and their individual skin tones
to come up with a complexion pallet that was
as complementary to the widest range of skin
tones possible. That’s what our trademark
True Complexion pallet is.
We know last year stores raved about the
Beyond Bra. What is selling best this year?
Yes, the Beyond Bra is currently our bestselling
bra, but not by much. It’s likely the
top seller because it has adjustable straps and an adjustable back band, which is more
familiar to women. But the new Evelyn bra
is quickly catching up. We think that women
are learning that Evelyn & Bobbie bras might
look like other wire free bras, but once you
put them on, they immediately experience the
difference. Our pull over styles, which we call
step-in styles, like the Defy and the Evelyn,
all offer the same separation and beautiful
silhouette as the Beyond Bra. So, customers
are trying each of our bra styles and finding
that they want them all. It really is so exciting
to see all styles neck-in-neck with each other.
That tells me our rigorous design practices
are working.
Why do you think it has taken so long for the
industry to come up with innovative solutions
for bras?
I think it took so long for innovation in bras
because of what I called the inertia of bad
ideas. The biggest companies dominated the
market with outdated ideas, mostly focused
on how a woman looks instead of how she
feels. We put the customer at the center of the
experiences that we design.
What is the brand’s approach to textiles?
Our approach to textiles is to use the most
advanced performance fabrics available
in the world today. Everything we make
is moisture wicking, anti-odor, four-way
stretch, highest quality. We spend a lot more
making our products than your average bra
company. We believe in being exceptional.
Are your designing and manufacturing
processes all based in the same location and can
tell us more about them?
What I can say, is that we are side-byside
with the Nikes, UnderArmours, and
Lululemons of the world. We sit next to
the most innovative performance apparel
companies in the world.
EB focuses very much on the practical aspect
and comfort, do you aim to focus solely on this
or are you thinking of introducing any fashion
We have some beautiful fashion innovations
coming to you this holiday season so be sure
and tune in for that release in October.
However, comfort will always be at the core
of what we do. We want to provide the basics
that a woman can wear every day and feel
empowered to live her best life. Lots of people
say that. We really live it.
What kind of distribution do you have?
We sell most of our bras online on our own
website. We partnered with some of the
biggest name department stores earlier on,
but found that having a direct relationship
with customers is best. And with that high
touch experience in mind, we also sell in 170
of the best bra boutiques across the country
and Canada. We do not partner with every
bra boutique. We choose the very best for each
geography and partner with them. We’re
very picky about that. We also sell in Rouge
Gorge stores in Europe. They’re an amazing
partner and we’re so excited about the growth
of that business in Europe. Evelyn & Bobbie is
actually their only wire free product.
We are hopefully heading towards a generally
brighter future. How do you see the future of
your brand and your company?
I couldn’t be more optimistic about the world
today. I know there’s a lot of challenges that
we face that are very real. But my optimism
is undying, nonetheless. I am so grateful that
I could be a small-town girl born on the sofa,
with a dream to make a better bra, and set
out to actually make that happen. I am so
proud that my use of technology together with
creativity has allowed me to build a company
where young women can come in, develop a
new skill set, grow their careers, and thrive.
I am so relieved that my baby girl will grow
up in the world free of the underwire. I am
so glad that she will not face an ideal that
she should look like an airbrushed version of
a woman that is not attainable. Instead, she
will grow up with the ethos that her comfort
is essential to facing the day from a powerful
place. That her experience matters. That she
doesn’t have to fit or conform to other people’s
expectations to live a bold and beautiful life.
That’s the EB world that we believe in and the
world that we embody.
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