The Best ofIntima & Swim Edit
16 May 2018
As part of the next Intima Talent edition, the Intima magazine will select a young designer from the world of lingerie, beachwear, footwear, loungewear, sportswear and athleisure that will have the chance to benefit from hands-on support in launching or growing his/her brand.
...included are 10 pages throughout the Intima Media Group’s TALENT, as follows:
2 editorial pages in Intima (France)
2 editorial pages in Linea Intima (Italy)
2 editorial pages in The Best of Intima/The Best of Swim (North America)
2 editorial pages in Intimoda (Russia)
2 editorial pages in Intima Asia (China and South East Asia)
... and an article on every magazine’s blog, as follows:
Le Carnet d’Intima
Linea Intima Edit
The Best of Intima Edit
Intimoda Edit
Intima Asia
With a value of around € 20.000!
...and last but not least 6 advertising pages with the “Talent de Intima” logo (image provided) to use over a 12-month period in the following magazines: Intima, Linea Intima, The Best of Intima/The Best of Swim, Intimoda and Intima Asia
(1 page maximum per edition) - a total value of around € 24.000!
Download the application file available on The Best of Intima webstite, under the "Talent" section or ask directly at
Hurry, you have until June 4 to participate!
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